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Решите пож задание по английскому №1 Выполнение заданий по теме: формы причастий, отглагольное имя существительное.

1. Переведите предложения, определив формы причастий

1. Having investigated the patient's past history the physician drew the conclusion that the patient was sensitive to antibiotics. 2. Having been treated for a prolonged period of time the patient began to feel better. 3. Being asked some questions about the attack of the cardiac pain the patient stated that it was particularly acute on physical exertion.

2. Откройте скобки, употребив нужные формы причастий

1. (То make) the discovery of filterable viruses Dmitry Ivanovsky determined the cause of the tobacco mosaic disease. 2. The book "The Anatomy of Cardiac Blood Vessels" (to compose) by S. Samoylova after her numerous investigations was published in 1970. 3. On having performed the operation the surgeon must carry out all the procedures (to prevent) from the infection. 4. (To relieve) of all the painful symptoms the male patient fell asleep.

3. Устно выберите соответствующую формупричастия. Переведите предложения.

1. ... the necessary fluid we could continue our experiments, (having obtained; having been obtained; being obtained) 2.... for a prolonged period of time the patient made a complete recovery, (being treated; having been treated; having treated) 3.... by the physician the patient was complaining of an acute

№2 Polyclinics

The Russian Federation has established a wide network (сеть) of medical institutions to protect the health of our people. One of such medical institutions is the polyclinic.
If a person falls ill he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. When his condition isn't very poor and he has no high temperature he will go to the local polyclinic and a physician will examine him there.

Many specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons and others work at the polyclinic. During the medical examination a physician usually asks the patient what he complains of and according to the complaints carries on the medical examination. The physician listens to the patient's heart and lungs and measures his blood pressure and if necessary asks the patient to take the temperature. The laboratory findings which include blood analysis, the analysis of urine (urinalysis) and other tests help the physician to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment.

In addition to their consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad. Such sick persons receive a sick-leave. They usually follow a bed regimen.

Any physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well because he treats only a definite number of patients. At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient's card which is filled in by his physician. Everything about the patient—the diagnosis of the disease, the administrations made by the doctor, the course of the disease, the changes in the patient's condition after the treatment are written down in the card. If it is necessary a nurse will come to the patient's house to give him the administered injections or carry out any of the doctor's administrations. All people receive medical treatment free of charge.

Прочитайте отрывки и ответьте на вопросы:

1. Patient Smirnov caught a cold and had a very high temperature. He complained of a general weakness and a bad headache. He was not able even to sit up. He was seriously ill.

2. Patient Belov looked ill and was pale. He had no high temperature. His appetite was poor. He complained of the pain in the left portion of the stomach. Кто из них сможет прийти в поликлинику сам?

3.When my younger brother was play ng in the garden he fell down. He impaired his right upper extremity. There was a deep wound on the lateral surface. He developed a bad pain in the joints and could not move his hand.

4. My father complained of a bad pain in the left side in the chest. He breathed heavily and became pale. The increase of the chest pain was associated with physical exertion. He had to follow a bed regimen.

Кого из этих больных должен обследовать терапевт?

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The french revolution  started  in 1789 in paris.

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