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Fill in the missing words: 1. Jean looked ... when she came to the theatre (взволнованный). 2. I ... the invitation with joy
(принимать). 3. The play consists of three ... and four ... (акт; картина). 4. He ... our help and said he could do everything himself (отказываться). 5. When the ... rose and the audience saw the ... everybody began to ... занавес; декораций; апплодировать). 6. When Alison appeared on the ... she was ... (сцена; взволнованный). 7. Our ... were in the ... and we could see the ... very well without the ... (места; ложа; сцена; бинокль). 8. The play made such an ... upon me that I would never forget it (впечатление). 9. I never expected that you would ... our suggestion (поддерживать). 10. We made up our minds to ... a party in English (устраивать). 11. I don't
remember the name of the ... who played the ... part in the play (актер; главный). 12. Seats in the boxes and in the stalls are ... and seats in the gallery are ... (дорогой; дешевый). 13. She said she was telling the truth, but we ... her words (сомневаться).

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Ответы на вопрос:

2.I'm the title film 3.I'n the it about

Популярно: Английский язык