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Task 1 - GRAMMAR A) Put the words in the correct order.

Example: Italian you do like food. Do you like Italian food?

1 did Ben yesterday where go _______________________________?

2 are listening you to what _______________________________?

3 many people at party the how were _______________________________?

4 going on go holiday year this you are to _______________________________?

5 Millie her with does parents live _______________________________?

6 Sarah doing now what is _______________________________?

B) Complete Helen’s e-mail with the verbs in the present simple or present continuous.

Hi Yukimi,

My name’s Helen and I live (live) in London. I play the piano and I 7 _________ (love) jazz. What about you? 8 _________ you _________ (like) music? I’m a student but it’s the summer holidays, so now I 9 _________ (not study), I 10 _________ (work) in a restaurant. I 11 __________ (need) the money because I’m going to visit Japan next year! I 12 __________ (not speak) Japanese very well, so I 13 _________ (have) some lessons. 14 _________ you _________ (learn) any languages at the moment?

Write soon


C) Complete the sentences with who, which, and where.

Example: A restaurant is a place where you can eat.

15 That’s the woman _________ works in the pub.

16 A pharmacy is a shop _________ you can buy medicines.

17 Kangaroos are animals _________ live in Australia.

18 A pilot is a person _________ flies a plane.

19 A dictionary is a book _________ gives definitions of words.

20 A hotel is a place _________ people stay when they’re on holiday.

D) Complete this dialogue with do or does to make present simple questions.

Example: Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school.

Ann: (he - get up early?) Does he get up early?

21 Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school.

Ann: (he - get up early?) ...........................................................................................................................

22 Sue: Yes, very early. His friends Jim and Kevin travel with him every day.

Ann: (they - travel by bus?) .......................................................................................................................

23 Sue: Sometimes. On Mondays and Fridays Jim's father takes them by car. He is a teacher.

Ann: (he - teach at the same school?) ........................................................................................................

24 Sue: Yes. he does. He teaches English and history.

Ann: (your brother - like English?) ............................................................................................................

25 Sue: English is his favorite subject.

Ann: (you - help him with his homework?) ...............................................................................................

26 Sue: Never. My brother is the best student in his class.

Ann: (Jim and Kevin - attend the same lessons?) ......................................................................................

27 Sue: No, they don't. They are two years older. But they meet for lunch.

Ann: (Mark - eat at a school canteen?) ......................................................................................................

28 Sue: Yes, because our mum and dad don't have the time to prepare his lunch.

Ann: (your parents - go to work?) .............................................................................................................

29 Sue: Yes, they do. My mum is a nurse and my dad is a doctor.

Ann: (they - work at a hospital?) ...............................................................................................................

30 Sue: Only my mum.

Ann: (your brother - want to be a doctor?) ................................................................................................

Sue: I don't know. But I want to be a nurse.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. has come, was reading, had bought

Популярно: Английский язык