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I. Из трех вариантов выбрать единственно правильный. Предложения переписать полностью и перевести.
1. Have you seen Mary’s boyfriend?
a) yet, b) still, c) just
2. I wonder what our children ---- when we come back.
a) do, b) will do, c) will be doing
3. I hate -----.
a) a rainy weather, b) the rainy weather, c) rainy weathers
4. Don’t be angry ----- me, please .
a) at, b) about, c) with
5. I was very much surprised when Ann said that she ----
a) can’t b) can’t to swim, c) couldn’t swim
6. I want ---- me.
a) you to help, b) you helping, c) that you will help
7. He has never been to ---- foreign countries.
a) some, b) any, c) anywhere
8. --------- a post – office near here?
a) is, b) is there, c) there is
9. The police ----- the criminal yet.
a) have caught, b) didn’t caught, c) haven’t caught
10. The water of the Dead Sea is so salty that ---- live in it
a) nothing can’t, b) nothing can, c) nothing

II. Заполнить пропуски правильной формой глагола. Предложения переписать полностью и перевести.
1. When you ____________ to Berlin, try to contact our business partner.
will come
had come
2. He ___________ the President from the Democratic Party and remained in the presidency for three periods.
had become
has become
was becoming
3. Up to now, I ___________ this jacket only three times.
have been wearing
was wearing
have worn
4. This tourist asked me where ____________ .
was the station
had been the station
the station was
the station is

5. Every year more new sites __________ across the globe.
are being launched
are been launched
are being launching
are launched

6. ____________ this article since the morning?
Is he translating
Has he been translating
Has he been translated
Has he being translating

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Ответы на вопрос:

He is going to go sailing with Ryan on weekends


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