Есть ответ 👍

Выполните следующие грамматические задания, выбрав правильный ответ из предложенных:

1. Your picture is a great deal better than … .
a) mine b) my c) her
2. Where are the … coats?
a) children b) children’s c) childrens’
3. She didn’t tell … about her plans.
a) anyone b) someone c) nobody
4. Let’s buy these apples. They are … .
a) the goodest b) the best c) gooder
5. We usually go shopping on … Sundays.
a) the b) a c) –
6. We are late. We have very … time.
a) little b) few c) many
7. Bad news … people happy.
a) don’t make b) doesn’t make
8. There were many old … on the wall.
a) photos b) photoes c) photo
9. It’s … today than yesterday.
a) much hotter b) much hoter c) very hot
10. I’ve lived here … 1987.
a) since b) for c) ago
11. You enjoyed the film, … ?
a) didn’t you b) don’t you c) aren’t you
12. When … snowing?
a) it started b) did it started c) did it start
13. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I … work late.
a) had to b) had c) must
14. When I … Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite him to our party.
a) will see b) see c) sees
15. The theatre … in a year.
a) will be build b) will be built c) is built
16. Neil Armstrong … to the moon many years ago.
a) has gone b) had gone c) went
17. I’ve heard about the film but I … it yet.
a) don’t see b) saw c) haven’t seen
18. The phone rang when I … a newspaper.
a) was reading b) read c) had read
19. He … for a new job at the moment.
a) looks b) is looking c) doesn’t looks
20. Andrew … for this company for ten years so far.
a) had been working b) had worked c) has been working

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. a

7. a

8. a

9. a

10. a


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