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КТО СКОЛЬКО МОЖЕТ Раскройте скобки употребляя глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple (утверждение, отрицание, вопрос).
Present Simple

1.He ______________________English well (speak)

2.We _______________________news at home (not/ discuss)

3.His wife ______________________a motorbike (not/ ride)

4._____________Amina_______________ coffee (drink)?

5.My boyfriend __________________me (believe)

6.My mother ________________at university (work)

Past Simple

1.I ___________bad yesterday (sleep)

2.Myfriend___________________to college last week(not/go)

3.Our teacher _________________us good marks. (promise)

4.____________you ________________my pen? (take)

5.He ________________________me. (not/understand)

6.This teacher ____________________us English.(teach)


1.I ______________you it tomorrow. (tell)

2. I hope she________ to the cinema with us. (come)

3.___________you__________this rule for tomorrow? (learn)

4.We __________________this book. (not/use)

5.I ___________________her. (nothing/tell)

6.He ___________, I am sure. (win)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. speaks

2. don't discuss

3. doesn't ride

4. Does Amina drink

5. believes

6. works


2. didn't go

3. promised

4. Did you take

5. didn't understand

6. taught

1. will tell

2. will come

3. will you learn

4. won't use

5. will tell nothing

6. will win

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Популярно: Английский язык