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Read the text.Choose some,any or no Today people are busy and often have some/any/no time to cook,so thry eat a lot of fast food. It is food that you can eat in a restaurant or take away.It is food to go,you don,t need some/any/no knives or forks or forks to eat it. Fast food is not only American. In all countries you can find some/any/no traditional street food. Fast food is not expensive.Are there some/any/no problems conneted with fast food? Yes, there are. If you eat too much fast food, you can have problems with your weight and your health


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Today people are busy and often have some time to cook,so thry eat a lot of fast food. It is food that you can eat in a restaurant or take away.It is food to go,you don,t need anу knives or forks or forks to eat it. Fast food is not only American. In all countries you can find some traditional street food. Fast food is not expensive.Are there any problems conneted with fast food? Yes, there are. If you eat too much fast food, you can have problems with your weight and your health

1)          you look tired. if i were you i should take a holiday. - у вас усталый вид. на вашем месте я бы взял отпуск.

2)          if we move to england next year i'll go to oxford university. - если мыпереедем в на следующий год я пойду в оксфордской университет.

3)          you are not very attentive. if you are more attentive you will get only good marks. (if you were more attentive you would get only good marks.) - вы не внимательны. если вы будете внимательнее, вы будете получать только хорошие оценки. (если бы вы были более внимательны, вы получали бы только хорошие отметки.)

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