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Английский Выберите соответствующий вс глагол для следующих отрицательных предложений: a) do, b) does, c) did, d) is, e) are, f) was, g) have, h) will ....
1. They … have lectures on Sundays.
2. He … not work yesterday.
3. She … not been to Paris yet. It’s her dream.
4. Turn off the radio please, I … not listening to it.
5. They … not waiting for me when I came.
6. She … not go to the university tomorrow. She is ill.

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1. They don't have lectures on Sundays.

2. He is not work yesterday.

3. She is not been to Paris yet. It's her dream.

4. Turn off the radio please, I am not listening to it.

5. They are not waiting for me when I came.

6. She is not go to the university tomorrow. She is ill.

Bastian is ten years old. bastian is sad boy, but his mother die, and father is closed in itself. first and one motivation in life bastian is books and imagination. one day bastian run from hooligans he hides in antiquarian shop of karl konrad koreander, he seen big book endless. bastian hold this book and on school attic reading it. in book are contained adventure atreyo - warrior in a fantasy country. this country perishes, but atreio receives instructions to find a way to save the queen. he goes to the great search through the lands of fantasy. on the way atrejo rescues from the death of the dragon falcora, who after that becomes his companion. the search eventually leads atrejo to the southern oracle, where the young man learns that only a human child can save the empress, that is, a child from fantasy who must give the queen a new name. bastian gradually begins to understand with astonishment as he reads that this child is himself.// вроде так с:

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