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2. Прочитать текст и выбрать правильные ответы. Read this text and choose the correct answer.
Text 1
Entertainment of youth.
In – group language
Teenage slang has always been important in youth culture. It is the dialect
of the younger generation and their special language that says, “This is us. This is how we talk”.
What makes slang so intriguing? Take words already in use, give them new meaning that is clear for you and a circle of like – minded or same – aged acquaintances, and you have codes that signal you are part of a group.

It’s like fashion and clothing. The newness of it is part of its appeal, part of who is in, who is on the edge, who is doing the cool things, or who can pretend they are cool by knowing the vocabulary. Slang is dynamic, just like Standard English. Likewise, slang is formed
from existing words or by adding prefixes or suffixes. Some of the words have a “short shelf life”, but others become commonplace and move into everyday usage.
When slang loses its group – identifying qualities and loses its freshness and ap-peal, and when it no longer carries any social functions, then you can say it has moved into standard vocabulary. This is no simple answer to whether slang is good or bad to use. It depends on the context. It is bad in the sense that it might cause an unfavorable opinion of you use it in a situation where it is not appropriate. But for what it is, it is in – group, vocabulary, and when you are talking to people in your own group, it is not bad at all. It has the purpose of showing identification with each other.
1. Teenage slang is important because
a)it is used every day
b)it helps teenagers identify themselves
c)it may cause a favourable opinion of a person.
2. The source of slang is
a)group vocabulary
b)everyday language
c)suffixes and prefixes/
3. Some slang words move into standard vocabulary when
a)they become commonplace
b)they go out of fashion
c)group members stop using them as their special language.
3. It is safe to use slang with your

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 b) it helps teenagers identify themselves

2 b) everyday language

3 a) they become commonplace

4 a) friends


If I had one million dollars, I would give a lot to charity. – Если бы у меня был миллион долларов, я бы большую часть отдал на благотворительность.

If I won 1 000 000 dollars in a lottery, I would travel. - Если бы я выиграл 1 000 000 долларов, я бы путешествовал.

If I felt braver, I would deal with it quicklier. – Если бы я чувствовал себя смелее, я бы справился с этим быстрее.


If he didn’t know English he wouldn’t find a good job. – Если бы он не знал английский, он бы не нашел хорошую работу.

If it were not for your help, I would be unemployed. – Если бы не твоя я был бы безработным.

If it weren't for Dmitriy, we wouldn't know the truth. – Если бы не Дмитрий, мы бы не знали правды.

Популярно: Английский язык