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The whole family is celebrating the birthday of one of the family members. The crown of the birthday boy shows that this is a seven-eight year old girl.

Next to her is apparently her little sister, and to her left is her grandmother and grandfather, a little further away from her mother.

Вся семья в сборе празднует день рождения одного из членов семьи.

По короне именинника видно что это лет семи-восьми девочка.

Рядом с ней по видимому её сестрёнка, а слева от неё бабушка с дедушкой, чуть подальше матери.

Внимание!   за грамматику,правильность и знаки препинания не отвечаю  -hello -hi how are you  -im fine thanks and you how are you  -im okay thank you havent seen you for ages where were you  -i was in village  -who did you go with  -with my parents  -when did you travel  -at the end of june  -how did you travel  -by bus  -i think you enjoyed you trip  -of course i did it was great  -good bye  -bye bye good luck you

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