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Match these sentence halves. 1 I'm in Sales, a) but she isn't an accountant.
2 She's in Accounts, b) so we aren't free.
3 My assistant and i are in a c) so you aren't late.
meeting all day,
d) but you are very near the conference hall.
4 You aren't in the city centre, e) but I'm not a salesman.
5 It's only 9:50,

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my new year's celebration


new year is a wonderful holiday. everyone expects for it as they believe that their dreams and ideas can finally come true. for children, this holiday is full of magic and presents.

i also like new year. i wait for it as much as i wait for my birthday. this new year's celebration was in a traditional way. my parents bought a fur tree and i decorated it. then, i helped my mom to clean the house and we cooked a wonderful dinner. at 11pm, my father went to the garage to heat the car to drive us to the city celebration. the holiday was perfect. after that, we came back home, had some dinner and gave presents to each other.

i really enjoyed the time with my family. and of course i love the presents!

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