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"4. Переведите следующие предложения и скажите, как образуется временная форма глаголов. Употребите выражения “just, already, not yet”. 1. He has read all the books in the home library 2 He has used all the paints 3 He has made a resolution 4 We have grown many roses in the garden this summer 5 We have sent an e-mail (message) to my friend 6 They have played all the computer games 7 You have scored four points 8 I have made a home video for her 9 She has set the table� 10� They have spent three days there 11 He has taken a lot of pictures of mountains 12 He has won 13 They have grown a lot of flowers 14She has read all detective stories by this author 15 They have made models

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Ответы на вопрос:

1- c- -proud; 2 - d -anything; 3 - c -latter; 4 - d -a diet; 5 - a -few; 6 - b -used; 7 - b -cure; 8 - d -took

Популярно: Английский язык