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VOCABULARY 1. Fill in the gaps with apart, behind, out.

1. Have you fallen _______ with Anna? You don`t talk to each other anymore.

2. Our car is falling _________. It`s too old. We should get a new one.

3. George has been out of school for two weeks. Now he is falling _________ with his work.
1. Rewrite the sentences using unless. Измени предложение, поменяв if на unless. Следуй примеру.

For example: 1.If you don`t revise, you will fail the exam.
Unless you revise, you will fail the exam.

1. If we don`t leave the house now, we will miss our first class.

2. If we don`t think positively, the problem will be worse.
3. If you don`t work harder, you will fail your test.

2. If or unless? Заполни пропуски словами if или unless выбору.

1. _______you revise early, you won`t do well on your exams.
2. ______ she doesn`t get some rest, she won`t be able to continue her work.
3. ______ you don`t have a headache, you may go to school.
4. We will miss our lesson ______ we hurry.
5. ______ I exercise regularly, my body won`t stay healthy.
6. _______ I don`t call, my mum will be worried.

3. Choose the correct variant.

1. If they children clean their room, we ___________ them to the café.
a) take b) will take c) takes
2. Unless you study hard, you _________ your exams.
a) fail b) will fail c) fails
3. You _____________ better if you don`t get a good night`s sleep.
a) don`t feel b) won`t feel c) doesn`t feel
4. If Kate _________ regular exercises, she won`t get fit.
a) don`t do b) won`t do c) doesn`t do
5. We will go on a picnic unless it _____________ .
a) rains b) rain c) will rain

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:




2.1)unless we leave the house now, we will miss our first class

2.2)unless we think positevely, the problem will get worse

2.3)unless you work harder, you will fail your test













In russia there are planty of popular sports,but pretty soon fifa 2018 will be held in russia so why not talk about football.football is a game were you run around the field with a balland try to score a goul .football is a really popular sport in fact it is the most popular.it is a popular sport in russia but  unfortunately our players are not that good.we never won a championship or got any metals in a last few years.but back when sovet union still existed we actually werent that bad that goes for almost any sport in russia right now.

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