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№1 Обозначьте предложения активными (A) или пассивными (P): 1. The omelet was made with egg whites. ___
2. Garry will be promoted next week. ___
3. Barry convinces Lola to have an appointment to the dentist. ___
4. Yebarchi is constructing a tank for his pet sharks. ___
5. Fasil is being chosen to take part in the Olympics. ___

№ 2 Переделайте предложения в страдательный залог, как в примере ниже:

Пример: Teens often watch stupid videos on YouTube. — Stupid videos are watched by teens on YouTube

Girls are watching «Avengers» now. —
Sandra followed fashion trends. —
The Simpsons has told us the news. —
The old man feeds ducks every afternoon. —
Christina will pick up Daniel at his office. —
His grandparents promised Volly $1000 for excellent marks. —
Has Manny aired the room yet? —
My wife is baking a strawberry cake at the moment. —

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Ответы на вопрос:

He always enjoys the advice of his friend. she always follows the advice of his mother. the host and hostess were very friendly. my grandmother is moving very slowly.. this rule is not difficult. my friend asked me for advice. usually he comes home at 7.

Популярно: Английский язык