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с английским языком и не издевайтесь не пишите спам и тип всякую фигню в виде ывимцшуимцфуп Exercise 2: Read the sentences and turn them in the indirect form.
1. Ralph said, "We have been in the mountains this summer."
2. "We were very happy to spend the weekend at the seaside," said Donald.
3. "We have left the school," said the children.
4. "In 1991 I entered Oxford University," said Henry.
Exercise3: Read the sentences and write them in the indirect form.
1. Nancy asked her mother, "What is the weather going to be, rainy or sunny?"
2. The teacher asked her class, "Who will take part in the competition?".
3. The mother asked her daughter, "Do you want to have tea, Dolly?"
4. Robert asked his friend, "Is the wind strong?"

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 . Ralph said that they had been in the mountains that summer."

2. Donald  said that they had been very happy to spend the weekend at the seaside

3.the children  said that they had left the school

4. Henry  said that  he had entered Oxford University In 1991


Сорри бро,дальше лень:))

Задание 2 ответы:

1. Ralph said that they had been in the mountains that summer
2. Donald said that they had been very happy to spend the weekend at the seaside
3. Children said that they had left the school
4. Henry said that in 1991 he has entered Oxford University

Задание 3 ответы:

1. Nancy asked her mother what the weather was going to be, rainy or sunny
2. The teacher asked the class who would take a part in the competition
3. The mother asked her daughter if she wanted to have a tea
4. Robert asked his friend if the wind was strong

Удачи :)

3. ( первое фото )

1. I went roller skating with my friends yesterday.

2. We are playing badminton in the garden. Do you want to join us?

3. My dad played hockey at school.

4. I do judo on Mondays after school.

5. My sister does aerobics every weekend.

6. We sometimes play basketball in PE lessons.

7. Do you want to do skiing now?

3. ( второе фото )

2. Polina hasn't finished her homework.

3. Annie and Emily haven't seen this film.

4. You haven't answered my email.

5. It snowing hasn't stopped.

2. ( третье фото )

Kolomyia, Ivanovo - Frankivsk, Ukraine, Easter, Easter eggs, European, American

3. ( третье фото )

1. False. Kolomyia is not in the Ivano - Frankivsk. The correct answer will be: " The old town Kolomyia is not far from Ivanovo - Frankivsk " .

2. False. The Pysanka Museum is not one of many museums about Easter eggs for Easter. There is the only museum in the world.

3. False. There is not a legend about an evil witch . There is a legend about a beast.

4. True.

5. False. The museum doesn't look like a castle. The museum looks like 14 meters high painted egg

6. False.The museum hasn't monuments to European and American artists. There are also paintings by European and American artists.

1. ( четвёртая страница ) ( Тут я не совсем уверена )

1. Of ( A )

2. Decorate ( A )

3. Favourite ( C )

4. Good at ( B )

5. Do ( B )

6. Look ( C )

7. Way ( B )

8. Take ( C )

9. Entered into ( C )

10. Fall asleep ( C )

11. Mittens ( B )

12. Ride ( A )


Is, are having, have done, saw, visited, saw, will go , am sitting , enjoying, have not visited, will do, told, am able to, haven't done, like, promised, will go, is

Популярно: Английский язык