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Заполните пропуски. Переведите его на русский язык:

a) Oh no, the battery has almost run out on my laptop.

b) Why don’t you plug it in over there and then it’ll recharge?

a) Thanks - but I can’t reach the _ _ _ _ _ _ with this plug.

b) Wait a minute – here’s an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - it should be long enough.

a) Thank you. Oh, I forgot – my laptop has a Swedish plug. I don’t suppose you have a travel adaptor?

b) It’s your lucky day; try this.

a) Excellent, it fits. You know, I should really buy one of these – they’re so useful. Oh no, wait a minute – did you hear that?

b) Whoops – I think a _ _ _ _ has blown. Let me just check… Yes, I think your laptop overloaded the circuit and tripped the fuse.

a) Oh no, has it damaged anything?

b) No, no – the fuse protects things.

a) What can I do? Shall I unplug my laptop?

b) Well hang on a second – let me just reset it and see if it stays on... No, it’s no good – you’ll have to unplug it.

a) Oh no, now I can’t check my Facebook status.

b) Can’t you use your phone?

a) No, it’s just a really basic one. Oh, why does this have to happen now!!!

b) Don’t get upset – you can use my computer if you like. Here – go ahead.

a) Oh thanks a million – I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re the kindest, nicest, most caring person I’ve ever met in my life.

b) Cheers, so do you fancy going to see a…

a) Shut up would you, I’m a bit busy.

b) It was just…oh, forget it!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)john asked me to join his band

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