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Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.
I a wonderful Persian rug in the
market the other day.
A archaic
C antique
B old
D antiquated
13. I heard a loud bang and the
police were everywhere.
A future B C atter
thing I knew,
D next
Mr Jackson needs a
Monday morning.
A сору
B print
of the report first thing
C Image
D reproduction
14 Please
me to cancel my dentist's
appointment on Tuesday.
C remember
B retain
D recall
3 Helen and George are expecting …
end of winter
A couples B sets
at the
C D pairs
15 We would never have guessed who had
the crime.
A committed
B done
C had
D caused
4 My son wants to …
A change B become C develop D tum
5 The computer course
lessons over six months.
A compose
B consists
a doctor when he's older. 16 I called the plumber to get a(m)
on how
much a new shower would cost.
A guess B number C estimate D count
C makes up
D contains
of ten two-hour
17 The Smiths have their piano tuned on a
A right B regular C normal D proper
6 The lecture was so boring that I had a very difficult 18 She cut the cake into eight …
time paying
A attention
B notice
and almost fell asieep.
C warning
D interest
after she had
blown out the candles.
A portions B parts C sizes D figures
7 Authonties are investigating the
of the fire.
A reason B cause C manner D way
19 Ben has just bought a house, so he can't
to go on holiday this year.
A afford B price C cost budget-
8 This shop has everything
spices to designer clothes.
A stocking B ranging C extending D varying
9 He was
to the amount of money he could
from exotic 20 The company
a new line ot cosmetics
onto the market this autumn
A put
C introduce
B bring
D commence
spend on haliday
A limited B fixed C bounded D set
10 Please,
A for
11 Of course I
B by
together, didn't we?
A consider
B see
once in your life, try not to be late
C at
C recognise
D hold
D upon
you! We went to school
of contidence resulted in him not
getting the job.
A losing B failure C missing D lack
21 During the festival, the streets were
people from all over the world
A crowded
C congested
B full
D occupied
22 The total
of money needed for this project
is over one million pounds.
A mass B number C amount D bulk
23 He has a
A method B mean C way D plan
ot looking at life that is very

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Ответы на вопрос:

На недельку съездили к тёплому морю --в лазаревское , на этот раз почти всей семьёй , включая трёхлетнюю внучку . в стране кризис , а народу на курорте --тьма , подходящее по размеру и по цене жильё снять нереально трудно , везде висят таблички  мест нет ! то ли в пик сезона попали , то ли сказывается закрытие таких направлений , как турция и египет всё же через 4 часа поисков мы вселились в мини - гостиницу ,  и отдых начался .  море было тёплое и чистое , погода благоприятствовала купанию и обгоранию на жарком южном солнце . к счастью , солнечных ожогов нам удалось избежать ( солнцезащитным средствам и навесу , под которым мы сидели и лежали на взятых в прокат шезлонгах ) . вечерами гуляли в парке , катали внучку на каруселях и аттракционах . питались в столовой , вечерами брали в кафе шашлыки под пивко , в общем , обычный расейский отдых у моря . в бюджет уложились , о потраченных деньгах и времени не жалеем , внучку порадовали . начались серые будни . ))

Популярно: Английский язык