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с англиским

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в разных формах действительного залога. Определите видовре-менную форму глагола-сказуемого.
1. The development of management skills will not come about solely by read-ing books or attending courses.
2. The government plays an important role in allocating resources in the economy.
3. The participants of the conference were discussing the first question when the English delegation came.
4. Over the past twenty or thirty years the banking systems of most developed countries have changed considerably in several directions.
5. These countries are increasing competitive pressures in international trade.
6. The company has made a decision to start producing new machines.
7. He expects that by 2015 some $4 billion will be coming from completely new areas of business.
8. Paper money first came into use in the form of receipts given by goldsmiths in exchange of silver and gold coins.
9. The world’s gold markets differ from each other not only in their framework but also in their functions.
10. For 40 years after 1945 countries in Eastern Europe had planned economies in which market mechanisms played only a small role.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, сказуемое которых стоит в разных формах страдательного залога. Определите видовремен-ную форму сказуемого.

1. Each of the 13 departments is run by a Secretary appointed by the President.
2. This conference was initiated by the USA.
3. Progress on this work will be followed with interest.
4. The committee will be chaired by the Secretary of Commerce.
5. We were listened to with much surprise.
6. In Australia English is spoken by more than 99% per cent of the population.
7. Our scientists are given the widest opportunities for research work.
8. This question was agreed upon after a prolonged discussion.
9. Everybody is sure that an agreement will be arrived at.
10. Every change in temperature was watched attentively.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Last weekend was so much fun.  on sunday night, i mean on saturday night, i went to a concert with my friends in new york city.  on sunday night, i went shopping with my friends.  i went to get some birthday presents that i needed to get and it was a lot of fun. i spent a little bit too much money though, but it was fun.

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