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The various complicated machine ___ now used by engineers are designed to do the same ___ as the hammer, the chisel and the file, but very much more quickly and ___, and with much wider range of application. The vastly increased production of modern times would never have been possible without these ____ to take the place of handwork, nor could the hand-worker ever produce the precision now needed.
The machine-tools which have replaced the ___ and file and which shape the metal by removing ___ of it are shapers, planers, milling machines, ___ and boring machines, grinders and lathes and those which have replaced the ___ and which press the metal into the required ___ are steam hammers, forging and pressing machines and sheet___ work tools.

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Ответы на вопрос:

-hi, john. tell me, what's ytour favourite season?

- it's summer.

- why?

- well, first it's warm. i prefer warm and sometimes hot weather. i like to swim, and in summer i can swim a lot. then i like picking wild mushrooms.an di can pick them in summer.

- sounds great.

- and what's your favourite season kate?

- it's winter. i don't like when it's hot. i prefer cold. and anotehr reason - i like skating and skiing.

- that's cool.



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