Есть ответ 👍

Задание 3. Вставьте местоимение в правильной форме.
1. (Ее) uncle is a surgeon. (Он) is Ivan Petrovich.
2. Do (вы) like this ice"cream? This is (ваше) one.
3. (Она) stuffs the turkey. This is (наша) bird.
4. They scare of (нас). (Мы) are not afraid.
5. (Я) play loud music. It is (моя) music.
6. Jane has children. These are (ее) children.
7. (Они) prefer a pump kin"pie. It’s (их) pie.
8. (Его) Mum is a doctor. (Ее) name is Olga.
9. (Мы) have a cat. (Ее) name is Pussy.
10. (Она) has a turkey. This is (ее) bird.
11. (Мы) work a lot of before holiday. This is (наш) holiday.
12. (Я) buy cucumbers. These are (мои) cucumbers.
13. (Ты) do not pull down a fence. Is this (твой) fence?
14. Do (они) dig up pumpkins? Yes, these are (их) pump"
15. (Ее) uncle is a surgeon. These are (его) instruments.
16. (Он) stuffs the parrot. It’s (его) bird.
17. (Они) scare of (нас). (Мы) are not afraid.
18. (Они) love (его). (Он) is (их) love.

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Ответы на вопрос:


her, heyou, your she, ourus, weI, myherthey, theirhis, herwe, hershe, herwe, ourI, myyou, yourthey, theirher, hishe, histhey, us, wethey, him, he, their

1. her.he

2. you.yours

3. she.our

4. us.we

5. i.my

6. her

7. they.their

8. his.her

9. we.her

10. she.her

11. we.our

12. i.my

13. you.yours

14. they.their

15. her.his

16. he.his

17. they.us.we

18. they.his.he.their

буква y в начале слова yacht [jɒt]   является согласным звуком, поэтому пишешься артикль a.

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