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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Perfect Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Wake up! You (to sleep) for 12 hours already!
3. I had a terrible headache because I ( to read) all day.
4. Jack (to play) the guitar since breakfast time.
5. He (to swim) for hours when he felt tired.
6. Ann (to ride) a horse for 5 hours by the time you get here
7. We (to watch) TV when the lights went off.
8. They (to look) for their cat since morning.
9. She felt exhausted because she (to work) all day.
10. Why were you so dirty? What you (to do)?
11. My brother (to repair) his car since last week.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)have been sleeping

3)had been reading

4)has been playing

5)had been swimming

6)has been riding

7)had been watching

8)have been looking

9)had been working

10)what had you been doing?

11)had been repairing


"they are engaged in a lot of people"there are a lot of people, engaged in it "is available to all" is available to everyone "navigation" natation

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