Есть ответ 👍

1. Supply the CORRECT TENSE or VOICE. You get 1 point for each correct answer :
1. I ………………………………………… (play) the piano since I ……………… (be) six.
2. Before Christmas all the shops and houses ………………………………….. (decorate)
with cards and Christmas trees. Presents ……………………………………. (buy) for the
relatives and friends.
3. Linda ………………………. (look) very happy now, because her boyfriend ……………
…………………….. (just / give) her an engagement ring.
4. Dinner …………………………………… (must / cook) before we ……………………
(go) out.
5. The old man …………………… (be) in prison for twenty years, by the time he
…………….. (die) last year.
6. When Jane ………………………… (arrive) late for the interview, she ………………….
(realize) that the Director ……………………………….. (leave).
7. …………….. you ………………… (see) Ann this morning? (It’s still morning.)
8. He said his car ………………….. already …………………………….. (mend).
9. She said she ………………………………… (open) her first exhibition the following
10. Mary and Joe want ……………………… (go) to the shore which ……………………….
(sound) like a good idea to me.
11. He ………………………………. (not / wake up) on time unless he ……………………..
(use) an alarm clock.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1 play was


3 looks  just gave


5 was died

6 arrived was realizing left

7 Have you seen

8 is mended

9 will open

10 to go sounds

11 doesnt woke up use


написала то что смогла. на всякий случай проверь

2 ...... Can't be be compared to those.....

3 .....is easier than that.....

4.... as those written by Mark Twain

5.... That is of higher quality.....

Популярно: Английский язык