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Choose the correct answer. 1. I wonder if Paul ….. me a lift to work. A is giving В will give С will be giving D will be given 2. Hurry up! The guests ….. here any minute now. A are В will be С will have been D were 3. …..Jane today? I have a message for her. A Will you be seeing В Will you have seen С Will you have been seeing D Will you see 4. I prefer ….. in a hotel to camping. A stay В staying С to stay D am staying 5. That hairstyle makes her look much ….. than she is. A older В old С oldest D as old as 6. She’s ….. the most interesting person I’ve ever talked to. A far В by far С much D more 7. ‘David is late.’ 'He ….. have missed the bus.’ A may В will С should D might 8. He ….. do his homework before he watches TV. A must В needs С can D could 9. …..you hold this bag for me, please? A Must ВWill СShall D May 10. T

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