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1. Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в каждом глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог.
Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (Б) обратите
внимание на особенности перевода конструкций со
страдательным залогом, в разделе (В) – на место предлога в
русском языке.
Образец: were agreed upon – Past Ind. (Simple) Passive от глагола to
(A) 1.Amplifiers have played a great role in most electronic devices. 2.The
article was describing the main features of some semiconductor device. 3.A
new type of transistor will be consuming practically no power from the
tested circuit. 4.The Mendeleyev system has served for almost 100 years as
a key to discovering new elements.
(Б) 1.The rise and fall of the current pulses are affected to some extent by
almost every circuit element. 2.The first sputnik was launched into space in
1957. 3.These elements will be transformed into other elements during the
next stage of the experiment. 4.In this paper new experimental observations
were presented. 5.The relationship between the computers and the people
that use them will be described in all the details.
(B) 1.The experiment carried out by these researchers can be relied upon.
2.Some amplification was obtained by using tuned r-f amplifier ahead of
the mixer. 3.The discovery of electron was followed by investigations of its
properties. 4.The amplifying characteristics of a new type of transistor will
be referred to as¹ reverse saturation current.
NOTES: ¹ to be referred to as – называться

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Пожарник носит специальную форму.

Я не в 10 классе а в четвертом но англ знаю хорошо)

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