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Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. Which one is the official name of the UK? a) England b) Great Britain c) The United Kingdom oа Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2. Match the country of the UK and its capital: England Wales Northern Ireland Scotland Belfast Edinburgh London Cardiff 3. What are the most important rivers for the UK? a) the Thames b) the Ohio c) the Severn 4. What is the capital of Australia? a) Canberra; b) London; c) Sydney 5. The eastern part of Australia was discovered by… a) Livingston; b) Captain Cook; c) Brown 6. The western coast of Canada is washed by …. the Pacific Ocean; b) the Indian Ocean; c) the Atlantic Ocean. 7. ….is the second largest French city in the world. a) Quebec b) Ontario c) Montrea

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. c

2. London

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. c

7. c

I've got a big collection of books.our family has got library,where they are.i started do it when i was 7 years old.firstly we did it with my best friend,but after few years,she wanted to has her own collection.and now she has got as big colleation as mine.i think books are treasure and we should care about this heritage.i've got a lot of friends,and sometimes i buy something for theirs collections. my friend (dasha) collect a stams,(sasha)-little cars.i thing its very good idea to collect something ,because it develop our mind.(сори за описки,если они есть)

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