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76. _____ it Sunday, we _____ fishing.
A) were / would go;
B) was / will go;
C) were / will go;
D) is / will go;
E) was / would go;

77. Who _____ this work, if she suddenly _____ in ill?
A) did / would fall;
B) will do / fell;
C) would do / fell;
D) does / fallen;
E) did / fell;

78. If the workers _______ their salaries, what _______?
A) don’t get / would happen;
B) didn’t get / would happen;
C) didn’t get / will happen;
D) don’ get / will happen;
E) didn’t get / happen;

79. If I had known you were in hospital, I _____ you.
A) would visit;
B) would visited;
C) would have visited;
D) will be visited;
E) would visiting;

80. In Britain you _______ drive a car when you're 17.
A) will;
B) can;
C) must;
D) have to;
E) able to;

81. I _______ stop at the traffic lights because they were red.
A) must;
B) had to;
C) should;
D) had;
E) may;

82. ‘Who does this hat belong to?’
‘I don't know. But it looks quite fashionable so it _______ belong to Jane.’
A) may;
B) can;
C) might;
D) may to;
E) must;

83. She _________ help you tomorrow.
A) could;
B) will be able to;
C) will can;
D) is able to;
E) shall;

84. The phone is ringing. At this time it________ be Jack only.
A) must;
B) might;
C) would;
D) could;
E) can to;

85. It’s a secret. You_________ tell anyone.
A) shouldn’t;
B) wouldn’t;
C) needn’t ;
D) mustn’t;
E) can’t;

86. You’ve been reading all day. You_________ be tired.
A) can;
B) could;
C) must;
D) should;
E) need;

87. Jack _______ go to hospital yesterday.
A) must;
B) should to;
C) had to;
D) has to;
E) ought to;

88. ________ I take one of these cakes?
A) could;
B) must;
C) have to;
D) may;
E) need;

89. We haven’t got much time. We _________ hurry.
A) must;
B) needn’t;
C) can;
D) should;
E) would;

90. If only I _______ school when I was fifteen, I ______ more money.
A) hadn’t left / ’d earn;
B) don’t leave / won’t earn;
C) left / ’d earn;
В) has not left/ won’t earn;
E) hadn’t left / won’t earn;

91. If I _______a lot of money, I’d retire.
A) win;
B) won;
C) had won;
D) would;
E) has won;

92. Sometimes they both wish they ________ married so young.
A) didn't get;
B) don’t get;
C) hadn’t got;
D) hasn’t got;
E) didn't got;

93. My grandmother _________ living alone so she finds the house very quiet.
A) didn’t use to;
B) used to;
C) isn’t used to;
D) are not used to;
E) didn’t used to;

94. My boss really annoys me because she _________ me to work at the weekends.
A) is always asking;
B) would ask;
C) asked;
D) will ask;
E) had asked;

95. Maria’s got a terrible voice but she _________ at any opportunity.
A) is singing;
B) would sing;
C) has sung;
D) will sing;
E) would be singing;

96. Do you remember when Mum and Dad _____ take us camping and it ______ always rain?
A) - / used to;
B) are used to / will;
C) used to / would;
D) is used to / rain;
E) are used to/ will;

97. The dentist _______to make another appointment.
A) told;
B) said me;
C) talked;
В) tell;
E) told me;

98. The police officer ____ the robber to put down his gun and put his hands above his head.
A) ordered;
B) advised;
C) reminded;
D) asked;
E) talked;

99. You’ll need to ______ an answer to this problem.
A) get on with;
B) run out of;
C) come up with;
D) give up;
E) take on;

100. I want to watch the television news. Could you ______ , please?
A) look it up;
B) turn it on;
C) look for it;
D) run out of;
E) give up;

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Ответы на вопрос:

Я думаю, «Do you would like another piece of cake?»


Перевод: «Вы бы не хотели ещё один кусочек торта?»

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