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1. Dick asked, "What are you talking about?"
A. Dick asked me what I was talking about.
B. Dick asked me was I talking about what.
C. Dick asked me if was talking about.
D. Dick asked me what I were talking about.
2. Did you enjoy your trip?" asked Connie.
A. Connie asked me did I enjoy my trip.
B. Connie asked me if I enjoy my trip.
C. Connie asked me if I enjoyed my trip

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. A

2. C


Удачи :)


Potatoes were bought yesterday the books will be brought tomorrow the clock is being repared now milk is sold in this shop the whole text has been translated the window was broken last week this book was written in 19th century a lot of money was stolen from the shop

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