22.12.2021 05:54
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В вагон-ресторан зашли двое мужчин и предложили работникам купить новую шубу из натурального меха за 20 000 рублей. Официантка Тамарина согласилась, но сказала, что у нее денег всего 17 000 рублей. Владельцы шубы торговаться не стали, и сделка состоялась.

На ближайшей станции в вагон пришли работники полиции и изъяли у Тамариной купленную шубу, которая оказалась краденной.

Можно ли признать Тамарину участницей преступления ?Как полиция поступит с изъятой шубой? Вернут ли Тамариной деньги, уплаченные за шубу?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. when you returned to moscow? – i returned to moscow last month. 2. you worked at the factory three years ago? yes. – how much time during your working day? my working day lasted eight hours. we finished work at six o'clock in the evening. 3. this article is about the work of your engineers? let me read this article. 4. when you discussed these issues? we discussed these issues last week. 5. when you responded to the letter of this plant? – i answered that yesterday. 6. one of you translate this article? – ivanov. he always translates articles from german and french journals. 7. who took the german engineers two weeks ago? – petrov. he knows german and always adopts german engineers. 8. those of you who have left yesterday in the institution after six hours? just semenov. what were you doing there? – we studied english. we repeated grammar rules and new words. 9. you answered questions yesterday at the lesson? yes. – what grade did you receive? i got a good grade. i responded well, but didn't know two words of the third lesson. 10. belov writes good english but does not speak the language. 11. you get english magazines every week? yes. – when did you get this magazine? we got it last week. 12. sergeev — writer. last night we discussed his new book. she's very good. 13. who you talked to last night after work? – i talked to my friends about the new movie. 14. how long does this new movie? – it lasted two hours.

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