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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what was in the letter? - i don't know. i didn't want to open it as it wasn't adressed to me. 2. i can hear the bell ringing but nobody seems to come to open the door. 3. please, go on writing, i don't mind to wait. 4. most people prefer spending money to earning it. 5. did you advise him to go to the police? - no, i didn't like to give any advise on such a difficult matter. 6. it's no use  writing to him, he never answers letter. the only thing to do is to go and see him. 7. ask him to come in. don't keep him standing at the door. 8. i advise you to start looking for a flat at once. 9. he tried to explain but she didn't want to listen. 10. i am looking forward to seeing you.

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