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Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.
1. He began to climb … stairs which were dark and smelt of … cats.
2. I read until … breakfast time … novel I had borrowed from … friend.
3. I don’t have to go into … reasons why they hate each other.
4. What he said reminded me of … fi lm I had seen.
5. …lieutenant off ered Grey … cigarette which he refused.
6. He was wearing … tweed jacket with … leather inserts at … elbows, …
thing that I had never seen.
7. Charlotte did not like … idea that Arthur could be better at anything than
Joe was.
8. This was … sentence that made … sense, but no … meaning.
9. …questions Ann asked always seemed to be … questions to which Paul
knew … answers.
10. Stanley knows …woman who might be persuaded to come out by … bus
once … week to clean … house.
11. She was not … little girl he had known, but she was not yet … woman either.
12. Her eyes were really like … searchlights, picking out … things that no one
13. … fact that he would have … independent means made her feel relieved.
14. Without knowing her at all I got … feeling that she was … strongest person
in … family.
15. It was not … job that he liked.
16. Her husband made her … presents of … books she did not read.
17. And then he put forward … amazing suggestion that she should turn down
… off er and settle in London.
18. She wanted to fi ll … wine-glasses which she had received as … wedding
19. I liked reading in … garden, which was several steps below … level of …
20. I have … impression that you don’t trust me.
21. She was drinking … glass of … orange juice.
22. My friend is … man of … culture and … wide reading.
23. His voice was determined, … lines of his face had grown harsh.
24. Tom sat down on … edge of … log and looked at … glassy surface of …
25. … deposit of 5 pounds is payable by anyone who wishes to become …
reader of … library.
26. … faint purring of … motor woke Julia … next morning.
27. "Come back in … half … hour, I’ll give you … bottle of … medicine", said
… doctor.
28. … lamplight made his skin … colour of … red brick.
29. He found … orchid of … peculiar rarity.
30. He remembered … soothing eff ect of her words.
31. He was disturbed by … sound of … shot.
32. Willy leaned on … back of … chair.
33. He always disliked anybody as soon as they were appointed to … position
of … authority.
34. He always took … line of … least resistance.
35. My grandfather was … man of … force and … intellect.
36. From … kitchen came … singing of … kettle on … stove.
37. Just then … latch of … front door clicked, and my father came in.
38. From … sitting-room came … chink of … light beneath … door, and …
sound of … whispers from my mother and her friends.
39. … wallpaper was dark-blue with … design of …conventional fl owers.
40. This machinery drills … holes to … depth of two miles or even more.
41. The woman moved her chair slightly towards … right side of … path.
42. In … crate there were … boxes of … cigars.

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