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Test 7A

1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made.
1 I'm always.......after football practice so I often buy a snack on my way home.
2 Ann doesn't go to busy markets because she can't stand being in........
2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

1 Samantha had........before the first performance of the play.
2 Susan has got a very........ today. I think she's still upset about failing the exam.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1 If you stop eating so much junk food, you.......(lose) weight.
2 If I.......(go) to bed earlier last night, I wouldn't have felt so tired this morning.

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.
1 "Please keep.......the grass!" the gardener said to the children in the park.
5 Match to form exchanges.

1 Which service do you require?

2 What's the nature of the emergency?

3 I'll put you through.

a Thank you very much.

b A car has knocked a man off his bike.

c Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643

d Coastguard, please.

Test 7B

1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made.
1 Sam has.......a lot of weight since he started his new office job.
2 Matt is really.......of his friend Harry's new mobile phone.

2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

1 Antony was........when he found out that he had won the competition.
2 Olga was........when she saw the ghost.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1 If you.......(mix) blue and yellow, you get green.

2 I wish I.......(not be) so afraid of the dark

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.
1 'Keep.......from the fire!' the police shouted at the crowd.

5 Match to form exchanges.

1 Could you put me through to the police, please?

2 What's the nature of the emergency?

3 Can I have your name and number?

a A car has knocked a man off his bike.

b Thank you very much.

c Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643.

d Please, hold the line.

Test 7C

1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made.

1 A lot of fruit and vegetables are.......in vitamin C.
2 I.......every time I see a spider - I'm so afraid of them!

2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

1 Julia went........when her teacher told her off for talking.
2 David went........when he found out that his brother had taken his MP3 player without asking.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1 If I wasn't on a diet, I.......(order) a dessert.

2 If you.......(play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter and healthier.

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.

1 'Keep.......from the fire!' the police shouted at the crowd.

5 Match to form exchanges.

1 Can I have your name and number?

2 I'll put you through.

3 Which service do you require?

a Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643.

b A car has knocked a man off his bike.

c Coastguard, please.

d Thank you very much.

Test 7D

1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made.

1 You should.......fatty foods if you want to lose weight.
2 Did you bring any water? I'm so.......!
2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

1 Liam was........when he saw Jack's new car he wanted one too!

2 Susan has got a very........ today. I think she's still upset about failing the exam.
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1 Unless it stops snowing, I ....... (not go out) today.
2 If only I.......(not get) angry at Tim today.

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.

1 Mum is always telling us to keep the cat.......the kitchen.

5 Match to form exchanges.

1 Could you put me through to the police, please?

2 What's the nature of the emergency?

3 Can I have your name and number?
a A car has knocked a man off his bike.

b Please, hold the line.

c Thank you very much.

d Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643

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Ответы на вопрос:

Snake - змея

Shark - акула

Skunk - скунс  

Sheep - овца

Snail - улитка

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