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The employees can hardly assess the results of the experinent a) itself b) themselves c) them 1. Boston, an important industrial centre of the USA, is d) bythem from New York than Penn. a) Far b) farther c) by far d) as far 2. The starting point of Friedman's a) beliefs b) believing _ was the theory of money. c) believe d) believes 3. _ ability to negotiate, which is one of the primary skills in business, comes into this category. a)The b) A c) - 4. Motorola's rivals tried to follow the example even _ d) An naming their devices. a) in b) with c) for d) by 5. Connect the aspirations of managers and shareholders - both will be happy. a) but b) if c) and d) though 6. It _ Airbus more than 7 years to design and produce this new plane. a) takes b) was taken c) is taking d) took 7. A new photocopier _ print out a whole book in less than five minutes. a) is able to 8. Last year, we a) had to c) could d) should _ slow down in order to stay within budget. c) were d) must have b) must b) must 9. Delegating responsibilities _ to be an important managerial skill. a) consider b) considering c) considered 10. If the conference starts at 9 o'clock, the delegates _ d) is considered here by now. a) can be b) should have c) can have been d) should have been 11. We didn't like the results of our financial report. a) Neither b) Either c) As well did our boss. d) Also 12. Oswald is not only my colleague. He is a friend of _ just as well. them

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Когда-то был маленький мальчик джонни. он у моря. джонни слышу что угодно. у него не было друзей. он грустит, потому что ему никто не однажды, рано утром, он вдоль пляжа. он у моря. он теплый и синий. он плавал. джонни в. он первый и крабы, и он некоторые красивые раковины. внезапно, был дельфин. дельфин в джонни. джонни и дельфин плавали вместе. каждый день после этого джонни приходил на пляж. клофин для него. джонни больше никогда не грустит.

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