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Перевести на , яз, катя обычно встает в 7 часов утра. она делает зарядку , чистит зубы, одевается, и завтракает. в 8 часов катя идет в школу. в 12 часов она обедает. в 2 часа катя идет домой. в 3 часа у нее полдник. в 5 часов катя обычно гуляет с собакой. в 6 часов она делает работу.в 7 часов катя обычно читает. в 8 часов ужинает. в 10 часов катя обычно ложится спать.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Katia usually gets up at 7 am. she does exercises, brushes her teeth, clothes and has a breakfast. katia goes to school at 8 am. she has her dinner at 12 pm. at 2 pm she goes home. she has an afternoon snack at 3 pm. at 5 pm katia usually goes for a walk with her dog. at 6 pm she does her homework. at 7 pm katia usually reads a book, at 8 pm — has a dinner. katia usually goes to bed at 10 pm.

If I see him, I will give him a lift.The table will break if you sit on it.If he eats all that, he will be ill.If I find your passport, I will telephone you.The police will arrest him if they catch him.If he reads in bad light, he will ruin his eyes.Someone will steal your car if you leave it unlocked.What will happen if my parachute does not open?If he washes my car, I'll give him $10.If she needs a radio, she can borrow mine.If you do not go away, I'll call the police.I'll be very angry if he makes any more mistakes.If he is late, we'll go without him.She will be absolutely furious if she hears about this.If you put on the kettle, I will make some tea.If you give my dog a bone, he will bury it.If we leave the car here, it won't be in anybody's way.He'll be late for the train if he doesn't start at once.If you come late, they won't let you in.If he goes on telling lies, nobody will believe a word he says.

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