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Найдите в строчке слово, совпадающее по произношению с первым словом строки:

New a) faint b) sue c) sound d) clause

2. Выберите предложение, в котором соблюдается правильный порядок слов

a) She do made him it. b) She him made do it.

c) She him do made it. d) She made him do it.

3. Выберите префикс, с которого можно образовать новый глагол от данного глагола:

to build

a) co- b) dis- c) de- d) re-

4. Выберите правильный ответ:

The problem is easy enough for …to solve at once.

a) me b) my c) I d) mine

5. … in my group doesn’t know him.

a) Some b) Anybody c) Nobody d) Everybody

6. I’m as …. .

a) poor as him b) poor as he is c) poor than he is d) poor as him is

7. 1/5

a) fifteen b) one point five c) one fifth d) fifteenth

8. I have not seen this film.

a) Я не буду смотреть этот фильм. b) Я не видел этот фильм.

c) Я не смогу увидеть этот фильм. d) Я не вижу этот фильм.

9. She will go to America … some time.

a) on b) in c) at before

10. In case you … me a fax, I’ll do it quicker.

will send b) sent c) shall send d) send

11. Travelling in Europe he saw a lot of places of interest.

a) путешествующий b) будучи путешествующим

c) путешествуя d) пропутешествовав

12. He can’t stand … late.

a) be b) to be c) being d) been

13. My parents ... in Moscow ten years ago.

a) are living b) live c) lives d) lived

14. We saw Ann … for a bus.

waited b) wait c) waits d) to wait

15. Knowing the subject well the student was not afraid of coming exam.

a) познав b) узнавая c) зная d) знавший

16. Take that umbrella in case it ….

will rain b) rains c) has rained d) rain

17. You can’t live without … such stupid things.

do b) doing c) to doing d) to do

18. Look! The boys ... in the yard.

a) run b) ran c) is running d) are running

19. I want you … to the library yourself and find what you need.

gone b) going c) go d) to go

20. Выберите правильное пропущенное слово в следующем предложении:

The heavier your luggage is … the transport gets.

а) the expensivest b) expensivier c) the more expensive d) the most expensive

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