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Напишіть будь ласка діалог на ійській мові між офіціантом і гостем ресторану.. їхня розмова про меню, атмосферу ресторану ,гарне обслуговування.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Waiter: hello. may i take your order?   dave: yes, we are ready. i would like your special mushroom salad and a steak.  waiter: how would you like your steak, sir: rare, medium or well-done?   dave: medium, please.  waiter: anything to drink?   dave: yes, please. i’ll have pot of black tea.  kate: i would like to try your special pancakes with fruit and cream.  waiter: which fruit would you like in your pancakes, madam?   kate: bananas and strawberries, please.  waiter: would you like anything to drink?   kate: yes, please. i’ll have a small cup of coffee.  waiter: ok, i’ll bring your order in about 10 minutes. waiter: your order, please. here are the pancakes, mushroom salad, a medium steak and the drinks.  dave: this salad is really delicious. the steak is also well cooked   dave; kate do you like your pancakes? dave: shall i ask for the bill?   kate: yes, let’s do that.  dave: waiter! could you bring us the bill, please? waiter: one moment, please. here you are.  dave: i think, we should leave the tip for this waiter.   alex: we don’t mind, dave. that’s a good idea!

Ido not agree, because your position in society a depends on the opinions of others. you can not see myself from the outside, so you can not a  judge myself. and you will not leave far their talents without the help of others.

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