Есть ответ 👍

Раскрыть скобки и написать предложение сначала в настоящем, далека и будущем временах . Затем сделать все эти предложения во и отрицательными !
1. I (to study) at college
2. We (to take) a train to London
3. Nick (to do) his homework in the evening

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I study at college (Do I study at college? I don't study at college)

I studied at college (Did I studied at college? I didn't study at college)

I will study at college (Will I study at college? I won't study at college)

2. We take a train in London (Do we take a train in London? We don't take a train on London)

We took a train in London (Did we take a train in London? We didn't take a train in London)

We will take a train in London (Will we take a train in London? We won't take a train in London)

3. Nick does his homework in the evening (Does Nick do his homework in the evening? Nick doesn't do his homework in the evening)

Nick did his homework in the evening (Did Nick do his homework in the evening? Nick didn't do his homework in the evening)

Nick will do his homework in the evening (Will Nick do his homework in the evening? Nick won't do his homework in the evening)

Glimpse- глимпс

Sightings- сайтингс

illusion- иллюзен

Humped- хампед

Популярно: Английский язык