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1 You haven't looked well since Monday - have you seen the doctor already?

2 Sorry, I'm still a bit tired I've already woken up.

3 I think I have flu, but I haven't checked my temperature just.

4 Already we've called to ask for an ambulance twice. Where is it?

5 I just have taken a painkiller and I feel much better.

6 They're bored because they've played this game many times yet.
50 баллов!

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 You haven't looked well since Monday - have you seen the doctor yet?

2 Sorry, I'm still a bit tired. I've just woken up.

3 I think I have flu, but I haven't checked my temperature yet.

4 We've called to ask for an ambulance already twice. Where is it?

5 I've just have taken a painkiller and I feel much better.

6 They're bored because they've played this game many times already.

Алло? -, питер! это тони! как ты? - я в порядке. а вы? - хорошо, как хорошо. вы свободны завтра, чтобы мне купить новый мешок? - да, определенно! когда бы вы хотели встретиться? - скажем, в 10/00 утра? -у меня есть школа, конференц-зал до 10/00, так что мы можем встретиться после этого. как насчет 12/00 в торговый центр? - здорово! видеть вас там - . до свидания!

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