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Task 3 Read the dialogue and comprehend it. Make your own conclusion to the dialogue
(the second visit to a doctor)
D.: Come in, please. What seems to be the trouble?
P.: Thank you. You see, I decided to make an appointment because yesterday I had a splitting
headache and fever over my body. I tried to dial 112 but unfortunately the line was busy.
Probably, they have got much work to do. I live not too far from the local hospital, I asked a
friend of mine to give a lift.
D.: Have you taken your temperature?
P.: Yes, in the morning it was 37, 2, but it went up at night. I could hardy sleep at night.
D.: Do you cough? Have you any vomiting, diarrhea?
P.: Yes, a cough with phlegm and trouble breathing.
D.: What’s your age?
P.: 59
D.: Do you live alone? Have you got any relatives?
P.: No, my wife died two years ago.
D.: Let me sound your chest. Breathe in and out. I hear some crepitation in your lungs.
P.: Is it so seriously, doctor?
D.: I think you have all symptoms of pneumonia, unfortunately. Have you got any chronic
diseases: diabetes or heart failure?
P.: I haven’t got any hereditary diseases, but several years ago I had bronchitis.
D.: I see, then, you need to be X-rayed. Here is an appointment card to X-ray of the chest, blood
and urine count. You have to do it today after 3 p.m. and in a day come to visit me again.
P.: Should I take any medicine?
D.: In case your temperature rises up to 38, then take some antipyretic and drink as much fluid as
P.: Thank you, see you tomorrow.

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