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1. This man … (be) a writer. He … (write) books. 2. He …(be) a police officer. He ….(already\save) ten persons. 3. Now they …(cook) dinner together. 4. A week ago we …(pass) the exams. 5. After the university she …(get) a good job because she …(have\already) some experience. 6. When we … (come) to her, they … (play) chess. 7. I …(write) a test since two o’clock. 8. When he …(ring), I …(cook) for three hours. 9. They …(finish) the building of a summer house by next year. 10. When you …(get) a diploma, you …(can) find a good job. 11. Tomorrow from 3 to 5 the …(interview) an applicant. 12. You …(give) me some good ideas and …(make) me feel a bit more focused.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1 have

2 is raining

3. Are you doing, are you going

4 do we have

5 do you usually go

6 are you doing

7 I'm trying


Present Simple використовуємо коли дія відбувається регулярно, а Present Continious - якщо в момент мовлення

Популярно: Английский язык