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1.There were a lot of musicians ___ a concert. 2. I met him ___Jil’s Birthday. 3. There were a lot of charismatic people ___ London Theatre Festival. 4. There are a lot of charismatic people ___ London.

5. I study ___ Moscow university. 6. I study ___ Moscow. 7. She works ____ Сhanel.

8. I was ___ the planetarium yesterday. 9. I eat at McD ___ Mondays.

10.The presidents are meeting tomorrow ___ Downing Street.

11. We will go for a walk ____ the garden.

12. She works ___ Tate. 13. She works __ a gallery.

14.I stopped __ the theatre on my way home. – Я остановилась у театра по пути домой. 16.It was snowing, so I decided to shelter ___ the shop.

17. French people read magazines almost everywhere, even __ the metro. 18. He was ___ the train when I've come to meet him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Just think about the progress in different areas. medicine and electronic technology, space discoveries, for example. one day, i'm sure there will be cures for aids and cancer. scientists and computers are going to control everything.

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