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Люди добрые, знающие английский мне ❤️

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1)1.works 2. he's taking 3. they're swimming 4. like 5. doesn't seem  5. it is feeling

2)i rarely play compture and video games

we're studying Spanish at the moment

my family doesn't sport every weekend

these days all my friends are working

4)1. fall asleep

2.take a breake

3.work long hours

4. get up late

5.tv do you watch


1. i have my own room. 2. there is  a big computer table to the right of the window. 3. it is very comfortable.4. i have all nesessary things here and can take everything without leaving my arm chair. it is very  cosy and  comfortable too. there are 2 book shelves where i keep my books.exercise - books. my  toy collection/ the central place is for my conputer. i can*t even imagine my life without it! i spend a lot of time here!

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