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с контрольной работой Запишите служебные слова из рамочки, если необходимо.
Against , in, for, about, with, at, of, out
1. Stop talking … riddles and explain what’s going on.
2. Why are you angry … the children?
3. My cousin Jeff is mad … new gadgets.
4. Can you see the white house … the top of the hill?
5. Teenagers often rebel … their parents.
6. Please, read the text … loud.
7. Ralf needs a couple … weeks to complete his experiment.
8. I don’t see any reason … your leaving tomorrow.
Ex.5 Выберите грамматически правильный вариант. (В трёх случаях возможны оба варианта)
1. Olga began (learning/ to learn) English when she was five.
2. We don’t mind (helping/ to help) you with cooking dinner.
3. I hate (eating /to eat) porridge.
4. Sally offered (helping/to help) with the ironing.
5. They finished (planting/to plant) the trees late in the evening.
6. The Browns couldn’t afford (sending/ to send) their son to the USA.
7. Ralf kept (collecting/to collect) match boxes for many years.
8. We refuse (joining/to join) the party.
Ex.6 Заполните пропуски в предложениях с соответствующих форм глаголов, данных в скобках. В двух случаях возможны две глагольные формы.
1. I’ll make you (do) _____ what I think must be done.
2. I expect you (finish) ______ the job this week.
3. They watched a pair of swans slowly (swim) ______ in the pond.
4. The children were made (come) ______ back home at 10 p.m.
5. I felt Boris (touch) ______ my shoulder.
6. “Let me (help) _______ you”, said my little brother Boris.
7. Your aunt wants you (meet) ________ her at the bus stop.
8. I would like John (help) _________ me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4 номер
4. in
5. for
7. in
1. 2
номер 6
1 do
4. came
5. touching
8. helping

ex 4. 1. in

2. at

3. about

4. on

5. against

6. out

7. -

8. to

ex 5. 1. learning

2. helping

3. eating

4. оба

5. planting

6. оба

7. оба

8. to join

ex 6. 1. to do

2. would finish

3. swimming

4. came

5. touching

6. help

7. to meet

8. helping

1) have driven 2)stop 3) was caught 4)drove 5) was going 6)had telephoned 7) left 8) waited 9)stoped 10)told 11)booked 12)was trying 13)had lent 14)waited 15)would have

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