Есть ответ 👍

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
Would you like to take 1_____ a hobby? *
1 балл
Are you fond 2_____ riding a bicycle? *
1 балл
What about riding a mountain bike? It’s a change 3_______ riding a standard bike *
1 балл
and it’s really more 4___________. *
1 балл
But if you are scared of it, you may try something more 5__________, *
1 балл
like collecting stamps or 6_________. *
1 балл
You’ll certainly get a lot 7______ it. *
1 балл
out of
Задание 2. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильное прилагательное, чтобы описать объект либо чувства людей.
1) Did you see England play Brazil on TV? It was a very (exciting / excited) match. *
1 балл
2) We were (surprising / surprised) at the news. *
1 балл
3) John is the most (boring / bored) boy I’ve ever met. *
1 балл
4) My father’s been ill for some time and I’m very (worrying / worried) about him. *
1 балл
5) We were (excited / exciting) when we won the competition. *
1 балл
6) Some parts of the Star Wars are really (terrifying / terrified). *
1 балл
7) He is mad about yo-yo. He finds it (amusing / amused). *
1 балл
Задание 3. Прочитайте тексты и соотнесите утверждения с информацией о подростках с их именами. запишите имена в строку ответа. Одно утверждение – лишнее.
MIKE: I’m going on a camping holiday in Scotland. I like walking and climbing. At night I’ll camp. If it’s raining, I’ll stay in a Youth Hostel. They are cheap, but you must get up early and help with breakfast.
JOHN: I’m going to a sailing school in the Lake District. I like yachting and canoeing. We’ll stay in a mountain chalet. We’ll have sailing lessons every day.
SALLY: I’m going on archaeological dig in Cornwall. I love history. We’re digging for Camelot at South Cadbury. Camelot was King Arthur’s castle. It’s hard work, but you meet a lot of people.
CHRISTINE: I’m going on a canal holiday. My father steers the boat. I’ll lie on the deck and sunbathe. I’m crazy about it. I hope it won’t rain!
TOM: Now we have summer holidays to look forward to. Mark and I are going off with a couple of friends on a bicycling holiday to Ireland. I think we’ll stay there for a week. We’ll take the bikes and our camping gear but if it rains, we’ll have to stay in hostels.
1. This person is fond of history *
1 балл
2. This person will travel by bike *
1 балл
3. This person enjoys sailing *
1 балл
4. This person is keen on boating *
1 балл
5. This person prefers camping *
1 балл
6. This person likes sunbathing *
1 балл

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Ответы на вопрос:

Peter,ann,anya, olga, sasha, ivan> darya- это

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