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следующие предложения из действительного залога в страдательный залог, используя в качестве подлежащего второго, измененного предложения дополнение первого предложения и изменив глагол из действительного залога в страдательный залог.

А). Переведите предложения из Present/Past/Future Simple Active в Present/Past/Future Simple Passive.

1. A shoplifter stole a very expensive whiskey bottle from the shop.

2. My American pal friend will introduce me to his friends.

3. My neighbour buys merchandise in the near-by shop.

4. They listen to American folk songs in the English club.

Б). Переведите предложения из Present/Past/Future Continuous Active в Present/Past/Future Continuous Passive.

1. At eight o'clock the stevedores were loading the trucks.

2. The builders are building a bridge over the river.

3. Greg and Alice are booking the seats in the booking-office.

В). Переведите предложения из Present/Past/Future Perfect Active в Present/Past/Future Perfect Passive.

1. Alas, we haven't translated the article yet.

2. By ten o'clock the employees had finished their work.

3. Fan will have met me by 5 o’clock tomorrow.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. shoplifters. 2. burglars. 3. muggers. 4. blackmailers. 5. serial killers. 6. kidnappers.

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