Есть ответ 👍

Люди Очень надо

Jeans _____ in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century.
•are invented
•were invented
I _____ late this evening
•probably am
•will probably be
•probably were
This candidate spent 5 years in _____ prison
Cheese _____ of milk
•is making
•is made
If you _____ hard, you _____ your test!
•don’t study, don’t pass
•won’t study, won’t pass
•don’t study, won’t pass
William and Mary are celebrating their anniversary. They _____ for 20 years
•are married
•have been married
•were married
He promised me that he _____ my room the following day.
•would clean
•will clean
At 11 o’clock tomorrow, we _____ a meeting
•will be have
•will be having
•will had
This subject _____ by the leading scientists now
•is being researched
•is researching
•is researched
He _____ with her even if she _____ him out
•won’t go out, asked
•won’t go out, will ask
•wouldn’t go out, asked
By the time we come to the cinema, the film _____ .
•will start
•will have started
I _____ five cups of coffee today, and it’s not even afternoon
•will be drinking
•have drunk ​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 were invented

2 will probably be

3 -

4is made

5 dont study, wont pass

6 have been married

7 would clean

8 will be having

9 is being researched

10 wouldnt go out, asked

11 will have started -&

12 have drunk


думаю правильно

Сэм живёт со своей мамой и папой в маленьком доме.

Популярно: Английский язык