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с английским с английским

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Sandra told me that she was going to clean the room.

2. Sen said that they liked the song.

3. Oana and Arthur remarked that they needed new shoes.

4. Jane said that she worked in an office.

5. Suzan told us that he could speak Spanish.

6. Lara told Gerry that the train hadn't arrived on time.

7. The teacher said that Sara had never been to Philadelphia.

8. Emma said that she was sitting on the chair.

i have to pay the bills because my wife is ill.

i must stop smoking. it’s really bad for my health

we must pay the taxes.

he has to tell her the truth.

i can’t find my purse anywhere. oh, i may have left it in the shop.

Популярно: Английский язык