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1. D. (19) Use the articles and explain your choice
Артикли (часть 2). Вставьте подходящий артикль. Объясните свой выбор.
1. ___ best pet for ___ child is ___ dog. 2. ___ car isn’t ___ best transport to travel in ___ city. 3. There is____ mouse in _____ corner. 4. I don’t eat ___ sugar, thank you. 5. We have ___ dinner in ___ restaurant every day. 6. Helen has two children: ___ boy and ___ girl. They are ___ twins. 7. My flat is on ____ floor 6. 8. You need ___ second door. 9. I go to ___ school. ___ school is far. 10. Do you like ___ food at the party? 11. Mike is ___ singer. 12. I go to ___ cinema every month. 13. She goes to work by ___ bus. Today ___ bus is late. 14. Bred is ___ smartest person I know. 15. Don’t go outside, stay at ___ home. 16. My birthday is on ___ 10th of June. 17. What ___ nice picture! 18. I play ___ piano very well. 19. Do you play ___ chess? 20. ____ Donovans don’t live here. 21. She is not religious and she never goes to ____ church. 22. The workers are in ____ church. They repair ____ roof. 23. I am in ____ hospital, my hand is hurt. 24. I like to learn ____English. 25. Do you often watch ____TV? 26. ____ Prague is ____ capital of ____ Czech Republic. 27. My city stands on ____ Colorado river. 28. ____ Moon moves round ____ Earth. 29. ____ Lena is ____ longest river in ___ Russia. 30. I like mountains. ___ Alps are great! 31. Please, turn on ____ light. It’s dark here. 32. I always wake up early on ___ Saturday. 33. Are you looking for ___ job? 34. Yesterday ___ car was stolen. I’m too upset. 35. ___ floor in this room is very slippery. 36. I need to speak with ___ director, immediately! 37. You have to take these pills four times ___ day. 38. She will come back at ___ end of June. 39. – What is she? – She is ___ doctor. 40. Your boots are ___ same size as mine. 41. Is your flat on ___ fifth floor? 42. I like ____ TV. It’s compact and black. 43. Don’t turn on ____ light, please. 44. How often do you listen to ___ radio? 21 45. It was ____ wonderful breakfast. 46. Answer ____ question 6, please. 47. He really did it. Now he’s in ____ prison. 48. I went to ____ church just to look at the priest. 49. You will see it on ____ page 67. 50. ____ most people don’t like being without good friends. 51. Oh, kid, go ____ home, it’s too late for being here alone. 52. The level of _____ crime in this city is terrible. 53. Can you play _____ violin? 54. I have _____ violin. 55. _____ sick must be taken to ____ hospital. 56. _____ rouble is _____ currency of Russia.

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House это дом на оно состоит из 5 букв это ребус

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