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Перепишите предложения, подставляя глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

1. I (be) at home yesterday.

2. We (be) at school two months ago.

3. He (work) in the garden last weekend.

4. She (write) a letter to her friend three days ago.

5. Children (send) their homework to the teachers last weeks.

6. My pet (have) some toys when it (be) little.

7. His sister (get) a lot of presents on her birthday last year.

8. They (think) about the test on Monday.

9. Our parents (read) us books when we (be) little children.

10. Sally`s brother (find) a cat and (take) it home.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) I was at home yesterday

2) We were at school two months ago

3) He worked in the garden last weekend

4) She wrote a letter to her friend three days ago

5) Children sent their homework to the teachers last weeks.

6) My pet had some toys when it was little.

7) His sister got a lot of presents on her birthday last year.

8) They thought about the test on Monday

9) Our parents read us books when we were little children.

10) Sally`s brother found a cat and took it home.


•«О, Ақтан жас, Ақтан жас» өлеңін мәнерлеп, түсініп оқы; Өлеңнің көркемдік ерекшелігі туралы өз ойыңды жаз.

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