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Underline the correct alternative in italics.

1. A: I’ve never been / didn’t go to Hollywood.

B: Haven’t you? I went / ‘ve been there last year.

2. A: How many films have you acted / did you act in so far?

B: I’ve acted / acted in seventeen films up to now.

3. A: He’s only twenty two years old, but he travelled / has travelled all around the world.

B: Really? Which countries did he visit / has he visited?

4. A: She has won / won four Oscars for her performances.

B: That’s right. She has won / won an award for Best Actress last month.

5. A: They have lived / lived in California for twenty years.

B: When did they move / have they moved to Texas?

6. A: Have you been / Were you here for a long time?

B: Yes. I arrived / have arrived over an hour ago.

7. A: We’ve been married / were married for forty years now.

B: Do you remember the first day we’ve met / met?

8. A: Did you enjoy / Have you enjoyed the film?

B: I didn’t have / haven’t had time to watch it yet.

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Ответы на вопрос:

today the press service of the ministry of civil defence, emergencies and disaster relief for our region has revealed the cause of the fire that broke out in the hotel in chekhov street last week. the first call was received at 10.45 pm. 247 people were evacuated. the fire was extinguished by 11.55 pm and no one was hurt. the fire was caused by a cigarette butt carelessly left in one of the hotel rooms on the second floor.

сегодня пресс-служба мчс нашего региона сообщила причину , который вспыхнул в гостинице на улице чехова на прошлой неделе. первый звонок был получен в 10.45. было эвакуировано 247 человек. был потушен к 11.55, никто не пострадал. причиной стал окурок, небрежно оставленный в одном из гостиничных номеров на третьем этаже.

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