Есть ответ 👍


1Their/Theirs house is very modern.
2Meg has got a new flat. Her/ Our flat is spacious.
3Tom and Sarah are my/ mine friends.
4There are any/some cushions on the sofa.
5You put too much/ many sugar in my coffee.
6We haven`t got much /many apples left.
7There aren`t any/a chairs in the
living room.
8I put the flowers opposite/ in a vase.
9Our house is under/ between the park and the cinema.
10Be careful when you cross the street in/ on/ by foot.
11The library isn`t far so I go in/ by/ on bike .
12You must/mustn`t pay your rent. That`s rule.
13You must/ can`t have any pets in this house.
14Who`s …………………..(young) person in your family?
15I have ………………..(much) that my brother.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense (present simple, present continuous, past simple)
16Mr Bradley …………………..(teach) Biology to school.
17I`m sorry . I …………………………..(not/do) my homework last night
18What time ………………………………..(you /have) lunch?
19My sister…………………………….(not/eat)breakfast every morning.
20Paul ……………..(find) a wallet on the bus yesterday.
21Where is Bob ? - In the park. He ………………..…(play) with his friends.
22What ………………..(she/do)? - She ………………..(watch) TV.
23Where ………………….(they/ go)? - To the market. ……………………(you/go) whith them?
24We …………….(meet) on holiday last summer.
25He was happy that he …………….(jump) up and down.

3. Translate from Russian into English
26 Твой чемодан старее, чем мамин.
27 Ты любишь сосиски? Да, я ем сосиски каждую неделю.
28 Почему ты смеешься? Я смотрю комедию сейчас.
29 Мы вчера ходили в зоопарк. Это самый большой зоопарк в стране.

4.Everyday English
Choose the correct response

34.Let`s do something tonight!
1I`m OK.
2I`m afraid I can`t.

35.Can I have the menu?
1Here you are sir.
2No, I`m on a diet.

36. Would you like anything to drink?
1A glass of juice, please.
2Yes, I`d like a fruit salad, please.

37. Could I have your name please?
1Yes. It`s Brown – Mr T Brown.
2Thank you, Mr Brown.

38. How do you like the fireworks?
1Yes, they are.
2They`re brilliant.​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:


1)as black as coal

2)as blind as a bat

3)as white as as snow

4)as slow as a snail

5)as old as the hills

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